Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It Runs in the Family...

Ok, bloggers...

We were kind...

We were generous...

We shared what a great "blessing" it was to have Jody's sister Kelly and her friend stay with us...

BUT as Jody was looking around on Facebook, this is what we came across on Kelly's page!!!!

For those who are a bit unsure what you are looking at... this Is Jess & Kell in OUR living room, standing on our NICE couches, PICKING our noses on the EXPENSIVE canvas we have hanging on our wall! Shame...

Ok, it actually had us both laughing pretty hard... Now I know where Jody definitely gets her craziness from... it runs in the family...

(Speaking of FaceBook - for those of you who have it and aren't friends already, find us (well, Jody) under 'Jody Brouillet Gray')


  1. Why is "blessing" in quotes, HUH???

  2. that is pretty funny....amazing what goes on when you aren't looking!

  3. LOL!! that's awesome! you guys are so darn cute! look at that good lookin' couple!


You know you are bursting with something to say!