These last few days have been a whirlwind! Not only have we been busily preparing for our Bridal Portraiture Workshop tomorrow, but on Thursday we drove all the way to Chattanooga, TN to hear a photographer speak, and then yesterday (Friday) we were busy organizing our office (yours truly) and also shooting (Zach)!
We had the privilege of helping out some good friends of ours over at Dove Wedding Photography. The dynamic duo is Peter and Whitney Carlson and they have become friends through a once-a-month photo geek meeting that we have called PUGs (Pictage User Groups). We get together, talk shop, then go out to dinner and comment on how nerdy we all are with photo stuff!
Their client's wedding took place in Franklin at the Factory, which is also where we are hosting our photography workshop tomorrow. Here are some of the images that Zach took from the day! Enjoy!
Here is Whitney in Spy Mode...
Peter getting his photo on...
Yay, what fun! Thanks again for all your hard work. I think that is my favorite photo of me while I'm shooting. I usually look confused and sweaty, ha!