Sunday, July 6, 2008

Greetings from Japan!

So I (Jody) have internet access! I wasn't sure how great the connection would be and if I would have time to blog, but here I am!

We flew in yesterday (Sunday) around 2pm (midnight Eastern time on Saturday) and then had time to freshen up before we went out for dinner, at yes, an Italian restaurant.

A few quick highlights: Please keep in mind the source - these are from our point-and-shoot camera.... not our nicer ones, hence the lack of quality :) whew!

The view from our hotel room at night!

Krystal and I figuring out our bathroom...

Yes folks, there is a phone in the bathroom...

Well, that'll keep you held over for now :) Off to enjoy our first full day here!

1 comment:

  1. The toilets are hilarious - just as you said. I don't see where the music is though... he he.

    Sarah M.


You know you are bursting with something to say!